Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thank a Veteran! (like my mom and dad!)

Thank a Veteran! 
(Like my mom and dad!!)

    Yesterday was Veteran's Day, 2014 and this is a day when I think a lot about my parents. It's hard for me to be away from them for a long time (though, grandma is a pretty good back scratcher!) It's difficult for military families like mine. But veterans think about others before themselves ("service before self") and they make sacrifices so other people can be safe and secure. That's why I'm so proud of my parents. I especially like it when we are all together, like in Germany or Texas. But, like any military brat, I know that sometimes I have to sacrifice, too, and be away from my parents when they are called to serve. Mom and dad are my heroes because they love me and take good care of me, and also because they take good care of their country!

     I've been wanting to tell you about when my mom met my dad. To do that, I have to jump ahead in my life story just a bit. You see, when I was adopted, it was just me and my mom. It wasn't until after that first Christmas in Germany when my dad came to Germany. My mom kind of showed him around and helped him get used a new country and base. Mom knew what is felt like, since she had just done the same thing about a year ago. My dad took care of me a few times, while mom was away, and I go to know and love him. Eventually, mom and dad became friends. You might remember that my mom was friends with my Uncle Andrew and his wife (and their dog, Cami). They did a lot of things together, like traveling and going to Oktoberfest and they started to include my dad.

    My mom helped dad find an apartment and get the things he needed to set up a house. I knew my mom was going to like my dad from the beginning. First, he was very nice to me. He took me on walks and stuff. It was cold and snowy that winter and he wasn't afraid of the cold at all. Also, he was pretty nice to my mom. We all got to know each other. When mom and dad hung out with Andrew and Christine, I got to hang out with Cami, so it was a good deal for me! (No, Cami wasn't my girlfriend; we were just friends!)

    During the spring, mom went home (like, to the USA) to visit her family. I got to stay with my dad and Cami's family. For Mother's Day, she had bought tickets to a Mets game, because my grandma is a super Mets fan. She got a ticket for my cousin Jason, too. I wasn't there, of course, but she told me that the day of the game, as they were just arriving in NYC to meet my cousin Jason, mom realized she didn't have the tickets! She had printed them out, but left them in Madison!! Mom and grandma started to panic, but when they met Jason, he told them to come to his office and he would print them out. Mom said they had a great time, even though there was a rain delay (I love a rainy day!).

     That summer, my uncle Eric graduated from Riverview and Cape Cod Community College. My mom had to fly home for the weekend to go to the graduation (it took her like 2 days to get there!) and I got to stay with my dad (well, I didn't call him dad yet) and Cami's family again while she was away. Mom said she was so proud of Eric for graduating! And mom told grandma and the family all about my dad. Grandma said he sounded nice and wanted to meet him.

     Since mom and dad lived in Germany and grandma lived in NJ, they thought it might be a good idea for dad and grandma to meet each other via Skype. At first, dad was a little shy. But grandma and dad hit it off. Next, they planned a Christmas meeting! Not only was grandma coming, with uncle Eric, but cousin Jason was coming too! I was excited! My dad would be meeting all three of them for the first time!

    That Christmas, it was great to have the whole family together again. I'm not going to lie, it was frrreeeeezing! And it snowed the first day grandma and Eric got there! There was a lot to do that Christmas. Mom, dad and I had decorated the house for the holidays. We had a nice tree and there were already presents under it. Grandma had sent some presents ahead, too. Mom was getting a promotion, so grandma and uncle Eric got to go to the ceremony and participate. Eric and grandma helped pin her new rank on her uniform. And later, we celebrated! I have to tell you, I'm pretty proud of my mom (and my dad).

     Jason stayed a few days. He cooked us dinner one night. It was pretty good. It was fun to see him (he's a fun guy) and hear the tales of his travels. We went to Luxembourg that year for a Christmas market and to look around the the whole town. It was extremely cold! In fact, we had to buy things to keep up warm! Hats, scarves, gloves--we needed extras! But it was a beautiful city and a great day. On the way home, it started snowing and it was difficult to drive. Also, that holiday season, we got a treat (at least, I did) when Andrew and Christine brought Cami over to stay while they went to visit family. I loved having my friend over for the holiday!

     For Christmas eve, we had a nice dinner at home and exchanged gifts. It was cozy, with the snow falling outside and all of us, snug and warm inside. Everyone had tea and cocoa and mulled wine. But the best part of that trip was going to Venice! It was a short trip, but it was a beautiful city, from St. Mark's Square (la Piazza San Marco) to the Doge's Palace to glass blowing in Murano. Everyone had a good time, until the last day...the last minute, when mom got the flu! Boy, was she sick! All we wanted to do was to get home safe and sound. But mom was too weak (with chills even), and we had to take a water taxi to the train to the airport, and that wasn't easy! Mom was laying in grandma's lap on the train and when we got to the airport, we had to run (actually run!) from the airport security to make the plane, since we were late. It was hard for my mom, but my dad grabbed her suitcase (all of the suitcases) so she wouldn't have to carry it and we ran! When we finally got home to Germany, dad took mom to the doctor and went out and got her prescription. He took good care of her! Grandma said she knew he was a great guy right then. She told me she was so happy that mom found such a great man to be my dad! I'm pretty happy she did too! I know that I'm awfully lucky to have two heroes as my parents!

My cousin Jason cooking dinner!
Grandma and uncle Eric pinning mom's
new rank on. 
Believe it or not, that's my dad and uncle Eric
at the Christmas market

Dad, mom and uncle Eric in St. Mark's Square
Dad, mom, me and Cami hanging out on Christmas!

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