Friday, September 19, 2014

Back to the Future

Back to the Future

I got to Skype with my mom this weekend! It was so cool. She told us about where she is stationed and what she is doing. We got to see her room (eh-not fancy or anything). And we told her about what we were doing. Mostly, I talked about squirrels. You know, they are everywhere around NJ! Also, my great grandfather and his wife were visiting, so they got to Skype too! It's pretty cool to be able to see and hear my mom. I rolled over my back and pretended that she was rubbing my belly. I can't wait to do it again!

But now, let me get back to my life story. The summer of 2009 was pretty awesome. I was in my new home in Germany and it was completely surrounded by cow pastures.  There were a million smells and so much to room to run!! (Well, I wasn't really supposed to run through the cow pastures, it turns out. I really, really wasn't supposed to get through the fence in the back yard and roll all over the cow patties, but it was just so fun!!!  My mom didn't like it, though. Every single time I ran away and rolled in the cow patties, my mom made me take a bath. Ugh!)

Downstairs from us was a nice couple who didn't speak any English, but I could tell they were nice. I have intuition, which means I can tell things even though people don't come out and say so. They had a huge dog, and he was nice too! 
My mom was unpacking my stuff and I was starting to feel at home. Meanwhile, my grandma and uncle Eric were still visiting and with my mom, they decided to go to Paris. I don't know about you, but I think places like Paris are boooorrrring! So, my mom let me stay with a new friend while they went exploring. 

Mom, grandma, and uncle Eric had a good time in Paris. They went to the Eiffel Tower and got to go upstairs (not as fun as cow patties if you ask me). And they went to Notre Dame and took a tour. They went to the Louvre (boring) and saw some "priceless" works of art, according to grandma. I will say, the one fun thing they did, in my opinion, was visiting the palace of Versailles. I don't really care about the inside, but that yard looks awesome! I'll bet there are lots of animals to chase and tons of spots to mark as my territory! But, all in all, I'd say I had a better time than them. I got to run around with a new dog friend, eat his food, hide his treats and roll around in a new yard. 

Then, a sad day came, when grandma and uncle Eric had to go back to the USA. I have to admit it, I was a little upset. But I didn't say anything, because I think my mom and grandma were sad, too. That was when we first discovered Skype and we decided we'd have some regular Skype dates. Without grandma and uncle Eric, I was going to focus on getting my German act together!
Mom & uncle Eric on the Eiffel Tower

Grandma's favorite picture of mom & uncle Eric
(outside the Louvre)
Mom, clowning around at Versailles